Machine Learning: Balanced Bagging Classifier

Rahul S
2 min readSep 6, 2023


The Balanced Bagging Classifier is an ensemble technique designed to address the issue of imbalanced data in machine learning.

It combines the principles of Bagging and random under-sampling to balance class distribution.


  1. Like traditional Bagging, Balanced Bagging creates an ensemble of classifiers by training multiple base classifiers on different subsets of the training data.
  2. In addition it employs random under-sampling. For each subset, it reduces the number of majority class samples to match the minority class. This helps levels the class distribution.
  3. Base classifiers classifiers learn from the balanced subsets, reducing the bias towards the majority class. And the ensemble combines predictions from all base classifiers, often by majority voting in binary classification problems.


Balanced Bagging Classifier is robust, less prone to overfitting, and versatile, as it can work with various base classifiers. However, it requires a sufficient number of minority class samples to be effective, and its success depends on the specific problem and data characteristics.

