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Ollama: Starter Ollama Cheatsheet
(updated: 31th March 2024)
- Pull ollama docker image
docker pull ollama/ollama
2. Run ollama container in docker (useful for microservice applications)
docker run -d -v ollama:/root/.ollama -p 11434:11434 - name ollama ollama/ollama
This command starts a container based on the Ollama image and maps port 11434 on local/root machine to port 11434 inside the container.
The -it flag attaches an interactive terminal to the container.
3. Run llama2 model locally
docker exec -it ollama ollama run llama2
docker exec -it ollama: This Docker command executes a command inside a running container named “ollama” with the options -it.
The command being executed inside the container is “ollama run llama2”. It interacts with the container’s standard input/output and runs a program or script called “llama2” within the “ollama” container.
4. We should be able to check, if ollama is running successfully by calling http://localhost:11434
Basic Ollama Comamnds:
- ollama pull — pull a model from the Ollama model hub.
- ollama rm — removes the already downloaded model from the local computer.
- ollama cp —makes a copy of the model.
- ollama list — lists the downloaded models.
- ollama run —runs a model. If the model is not already downloaded, it pull and serves it
- ollama serve — starts the server, to serve the downloaded models.