Poems, Tales, Reflections and Creative non-fiction
- Go corona Go : This three stanza poem focusses on the mass evacuation of thousands of daily-wage laborers and migrant workers outside the capital of India, Delhi. Very recently (24 March) the Prime Minister of India Mr. Modi announced a nation-wide lockdown, which has brought about a halt in the economy, thus making the daily-earnings of these laborers impossible.
- Landscape : The poem is a yearning for a lost garden of Eden, which the poet persona had shared with a loved one, once. Even if in the domain of his dreams.
- The smells of midnight on a walk : I was taking a long walk in a garden at around 10 PM, all by myself, on its well-tarred roads, when I was stopped by a security personal with torches. The poem is a record of my immediate emotions.
- Traffic jam : If you really think about it. Our life can be compared with a traffic jam. We are stuck in it, and yet we (as poets) are trying to write about it.
- Our hearts be clouds | Postcards from Kandbari : I am on one of my walks in the small village called Kandbari I live in, and lo! I spot hearts in the shapes of these clouds. A small verse on love and clouds — two of the most beautiful things in the world.
- Let me give you a dream : What do you when you feel low? You write a trashy poem.
- An ode to my bed partner : Makes loves to me. Keeps me awake
and very much tired — that’s all the
fucking I am getting for centuries.